Planet Apocalypse | Product Code |
Planet Apocalypse core game | PA |
Void Pack | PA-E1 |
Dragon Pack | PA-E2 |
Pack of the Pit | PA-E3 |
Power Pack | PA-E4 |
Lord 1 - Jabootu | PA-L1 |
Lady 2 - Scylla | PA-L2 |
Lord 3 - Asmod | PA-L3 |
Lord 4 - Procrustes | PA-L4 |
Lord 5 - Pulgasaur | PA-L5 |
Lord 6 - Great Cthulhu | PA-L6 |
Lord 7 - Spider Mastermind | PA-L7 |
Demon Gate | PA-DG |
Dice Pack | PA-DICE |
Alternate Dice Pack | PA-DICE-1 |
Demonology Art Print | PA-Art |
Relic Pack | PA-RP |
Planet Apoc. Graphic Novel | PA-GN |
Harbinger Art Print + FIVE sets of rules | PA-Harbinger |
VF - Planet Apocalypse - French | Product Code |
Planet Apocalypse core game VF | PA-VF |
Void Pack VF | PA-VF-E1 |
Dragon Pack VF | PA-VF-E2 |
Pack of the Pit VF | PA-VF-E3 |
Power Pack VF | PA-VF-E4 |
Lord 1 - Jabootu VF | PA-VF-L1 |
Lady 2 - Scylla VF | PA-VF-L2 |
Lord 3 - Asmod VF | PA-VF-L3 |
Lord 4 - Procrustes VF | PA-VF-L4 |
Lord 5 - Pulgasaur VF | PA-VF-L5 |
Lord 6 - Great Cthulhu VF | PA-VF-L6 |
Lord 7 - Spider Mastermind VF | PA-VF-L7 |
DE-Planet Apocalypse - German | Product Code |
Planet Apocalypse core game DE | PA-DE |
Void Pack DE | PA-DE-E1 |
Dragon Pack DE | PA-DE-E2 |
Pack of the Pit DE | PA-DE-E3 |
Power Pack DE | PA-DE-E4 |
Lord 1 - Jabootu DE | PA-DE-L1 |
Lady 2 - Scylla DE | PA-DE-L2 |
Lord 3 - Asmod DE | PA-DE-L3 |
Lord 4 - Procrustes DE | PA-DE-L4 |
Lord 5 - Pulgasaur DE | PA-DE-L5 |
Lord 6 - Great Cthulhu DE | PA-DE-L6 |
Lord 7 - Spider Mastermind DE | PA-DE-L7 |
Upgrades for Planet Apocalypse | Product Code |
Planet Apocalypse core game | PA3MMUPGRADE |
Void Pack | PA-E13MMUPGRADE |
Dragon Pack | PA-E23MMUPGRADE |
Pack of the Pit | PA-E33MMUPGRADE |
Power Pack | PA-E43MMUPGRADE |
Lord 1 - Jabootu | PA-L13MMUPGRADE |
Lady 2 - Scylla | PA-L23MMUPGRADE |
Lord 3 - Asmod | PA-L33MMUPGRADE |
Lord 4 - Procrustes | PA-L43MMUPGRADE |
Lord 5 - Pulgasaur | PA-L53MMUPGRADE |
Lord 6 - Great Cthulhu | PA-L63MMUPGRADE |
Lord 7 - Spider Mastermind | PA-L7-3MMUPGRADE |
Planet Apocalypse core game VF | PA-VF-3MMUPGRADE |
Dragon Pack VF | PA-VF-E23MMUPGRADE |
Pack of the Pit VF | PA-VF-E33MMUPGRADE |
Power Pack VF | PA-VF-E43MMUPGRADE |
Lord 1 - Jabootu VF | PA-VF-L13MMUPGRADE |
Lady 2 - Scylla VF | PA-VF-L23MMUPGRADE |
Lord 3 - Asmod VF | PA-VF-L33MMUPGRADE |
Lord 4 - Procrustes VF | PA-VF-L43MMUPGRADE |
Lord 5 - Pulgasaur VF | PA-VF-L53MMUPGRADE |
Lord 6 - Great Cthulhu VF | PA-VF-L63MMUPGRADE |
Lord 7 - Spider Mastermind VF | PA-VF-L73MMUPGRADE |
Planet Apocalypse DE | PA-DE-3MMUPGRADE |
Dragon Pack DE | PA-DE-E23MMUPGRADE |
Pack of the Pit DE | PA-DE-E33MMUPGRADE |
Power Pack DE | PA-DE-E43MMUPGRADE |
Lord 1 - Jabootu DE | PA-DE-L13MMUPGRADE |
Lady 2 - Scylla DE | PA-DE-L23MMUPGRADE |
Lord 3 - Asmod DE | PA-DE-L33MMUPGRADE |
Lord 4 - Procrustes DE | PA-DE-L43MMUPGRADE |
Lord 5 - Pulgasaur DE | PA-DE-L53MMUPGRADE |
Lord 6 - Great Cthulhu DE | PA-DE-L63MMUPGRADE |
Lord 7 - Spider Mastermind DE | PA-DE-L73MMUPGRADE |